You are here: Administrative > Manage your agent profile > Add an additional phone number

Manage your phone numbers

You can enter multiple phone numbers in your agent profile, such as your cell, home, or other number. You can then specify which of these numbers you want to display as your "contact" phone numbers. Your contact phone numbers display wherever your agent information displays (online, reports, etc.).

To add a phone number to your agent profile

  1. From the Admin menu, choose Modify Your Profile.(shortcutCollapsed).
  2. Click the Mange Contact Phones link near the top of the page. The Manage Contact Phones window opens.
  3. In the Manage Contact Phones window, enter the new phone number in the fields near the top of the window. NOTE: The cursor automatically advances to the next field as you enter the number, so you do not have to press the Tab key.
  4. Specify the Phone Type using the drop-down field, then click the Add button.
  5. Click the Save button near the top of the window.

To delete a phone number from your agent profile

  1. Open the Manage Contact Phones window as detailed in steps 1 and 2 above.
  2. A Delete check box displays to the left of each of your phone numbers. Check this box for each number you want to delete, then click the Delete button.
  3. Click the Save button near the top of the window.

To select your contact phone numbers

  1. Open the Manage Contact Phones window as detailed in steps 1 and 2 above.
  2. Near the bottom of the window, make your selections in the Primary, Secondary and Other fields.
  3. Click the Save button near the top of the window.

TIP: You can also specify whether your contact phone numbers display to the public as Primary, Secondary and Other, or as Phone Types, such as Office, Home or Cell. Specify your preference using the Display Labels radio buttons. Be sure to click the Save button after any changes.

TIP: View the video tutorial entitled "Manage Your Agent Profile" on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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